Monsta Wallet: The New update and How You Can Get It!
Introducing the latest update for the Monsta Wallet extension! We hope you enjoyed our Marketplace revamp, and hopefully, that kept you on your toes, because big things are coming your way! But for now, here’s something equally as exciting, our Monsta Wallet Extension V2 update — and how you can get it.
The new Monsta Wallet Extension comes with an all-new user interface that aligns and best represents our Monsta theme (you know…aesthetics and all,) we had some bug fixes to common wallet-related issues, and best of all, we added lingual accommodation to accommodate for all members of our Monsta community worldwide!
These new updates will serve as a good foundation to allow for future integration of new features into the Wallet, ranging from increased user security to cross-chain transactions and many more; all for giving you the absolute freedom to a decentralized future.
Do remember to save your seed phrases before getting the new update so you won’t lose you account!
What are you waiting for? Get the new update now!
The wallet is available on:
How Do I Get The New Monsta Wallet?
Before we start, let’s get the seed words of your current account so you won’t lose it! You can skip this if you do not currently own a Monsta Wallet.
Monsta Infinite is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any loss of assets due to loss of seed phrase or scams. We will NEVER ask for your personal details like your seed phrase.
· First, go to your current Monsta Wallet, click the Monsta icon and click “Settings”.
· Go to “Security and Privacy” and click “Reveal Secret Recovery Phase”. You will be prompted to key in your password.
· Once that is done, your Secret Recovery Phrase will be displayed. Copy it or store it somewhere safe, you decide. Keep this private to you and ONLY YOU!
Once that is done, let’s move on to getting the new wallet, shall we?
Downloading the New Wallet Extension (Chrome & Firefox)
The new update is now available on Chrome Store and Mozilla Firefox! Click here to add it to your Chrome Extension or here for Mozilla Firefox.
Chrome — Click on “Add to Chrome”
Firefox — Click on “Add to Firefox”
· Once it has finished downloading, you will be redirected to this page. Key in New Password and click on “Create” . Alternatively, if you already own a Monsta Wallet previously click on “Import using Seed Phrase” (see below)
For Existing Monsta Wallet Users
· After clicking on “Import using Seed Phrase” you will be directed to an Import Account. Paste your private key string obtained from your previous Monsta Wallet and click on “Import”
· Next, you will be required to key in your Seed Phrase (see below) to restore your vault. Please remember that your Seed Phrase should be stored safely and only applicable for view to you. Once done, key in your new password and click on “OK” (see below)
· Congratulations! Once you’re done your Monsta Wallet is all set and ready to go! (see below)
For New Wallet Users
· Key in your preferred password and click on “Create”
· You will receive your 12-word Seed Phrase. Please be warned that the Seed Phrase should be stored safely and only applicable for your eyes only for security reasons. You can either click on “I’ve copied it somewhere safe” or “Save Seed Words as File” to proceed.
· After that, you’re all done! Your wallet is all set up and ready to go.