Inception Monsta Egg Hatching Update and Guide

Monsta Infinite
3 min readOct 18, 2021

We have always been illustrating the concept of fairness in our project, and we know that the community will want to compete for the Inception Monsta with the lowest Tag ID.

Therefore to ensure the community has a fair chance of going through the hatching guide, we will reschedule the Inception Monsta Eggs Hatching feature to tomorrow at the same time, 1400 GMT+0 19th October 2021.

So here is a complete guide on how you can hatch your Inception Monsta Eggs, so read up and be prepared to hatch and meet your beloved Inception Monstas!

We will also release a full guide on how to transfer your Inception Monstas soon so stay tuned!

Your Inception Monsta Eggs does not have an incubation period, as compared to the 5 days incubation period of the Normal Monsta eggs. You will be able to view the Monsta Stats right after the hatching.

Note that your Inception Monsta Tag ID will be determined at the time when you click confirm to hatch the egg. Kindly refer to the steps below.

Note that the guide is just for illustration purposes only. There might be subtle differences in the actual hatching later on.

How do I hatch the Inception Monsta Eggs?

As stated in the previous guide on bridging your Inception Monsta eggs, you will be redirected to the official Marketplace website at

Once at the website, click “Connect Monsta Wallet” and connect your Monsta Wallet that has the Inception Monsta Egg.

Then, check that your Monsta Wallet address is accurate and your Inception Monsta Egg will be displayed as shown. Click the Inception Monsta Egg icon.

Then, click “Approve”.

Then you will be prompted to confirm your Inception Monsta Egg token spending. Click “Confirm”.

You are now able to hatch your Inception Monsta Egg! Click “Hatch”.

Then, you will be prompted to confirm the hatching.

Note that your Inception Monsta Tag ID will be determined at the time when you click confirm on this step. Click “Confirm”.

Get ready! Your Inception Monsta will now hatch!

Meet your Inception Monsta. The Tag ID will be displayed as shown.



Monsta Infinite

Monsta Infinite is a decentralized game universe where anyone can earn tokens through playing the game competitively or for leisure.