Bridging STT To Binance Smart Chain Guide

Monsta Infinite
4 min readNov 19, 2021

Great news! We have just launched a BNB-STT Liquidity Pool on Pancakeswap, which means you can now bridge your xSTT out to Binance Smart Chain. Here is a simple guide on how you can bridge your xSTT out to the Mainnet.

Things To Note

  1. STT Binance Smart Chain contract address: 0x9Ee75952E3408ed7005225855aA1835D6d0023CA

2. Please ensure that you key in the correct wallet address before confirming the bridging. Monsta Infinite is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any loss of assets.

3. Note that the bridging may take some time to be reflected into your Metamask account.

4. Note that you can only bridge out your tokens to a BEP20 wallet address. Monsta Infinite WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any errors in the BEP20 wallet address.

5. Use your Metamask Wallet address to bridge STT to Monsta Chain, or your Monsta Wallet to bridge xSTT out to BSC.

How To Bridge Your STT Out To Binance Smart Chain?

Open your MetaMask Wallet and click Import Tokens

Key in STT BSC contract address: 0x9Ee75952E3408ed7005225855aA1835D6d0023CA

Click Import Tokens

You will see STT showing on your Metamask

Go to our website, then to the Marketplace icon and click MONI & STT Bridge.

Click Continue

Select the wallet of your choice and connect it to the website.
Select your Metamask wallet to bridge STT to Monsta Chain or select your Monsta Wallet to bridge xSTT to BSC.

Click the arrow button to choose xMONI or XSTT, whichever token you wish to bridge.

Choose your xMONI or xSTT

Key in your desired token amount and key in your BEP-20 (Metamask) wallet address.

Click Unlock.

Click Transfer.

Click Claim to claim the tokens in your Monsta wallet. Note that you have to claim the tokens on your Monsta Wallet before switching to the Metamask Wallet Extension to claim your tokens.

Disconnect your Monsta Wallet from the site.

Connect to your Metamask wallet.

Click Claim Token.

Click Claim. Your token is now being bridged to your Metamask wallet. Note that the bridging will take some time to be reflected in your Metamask account.

Now that you’ve bridged STT into your Metamask account, you can head to platforms like Pancakeswap where you can swap STT for other tokens like BUSD!



Monsta Infinite

Monsta Infinite is a decentralized game universe where anyone can earn tokens through playing the game competitively or for leisure.