Monsta Egg Hatching Guide

Monsta Infinite
2 min readNov 5, 2021

Great news! You will be able to hatch your beloved Chrono Zero and Soulbond Monsta Eggs on the Marketplace soon!

Things to note

  1. Soulbond Monstas are non-tradable and non-transferable.
  2. We do not recommend or endorse any third-party Monsta trading or sales to avoid scammers and loss of assets. Please wait for the Marketplace Monsta Trading feature to be released if you would like to do any trading. Monsta Infinite is not responsible for any loss of your assets due to third party trading or sales.

How To Hatch?

  1. Head to our website at, and Connect your Monsta Wallet.

2. Select your desired account and click next.

3. Click Connect.

4. Click the Monsta Eggs that you want to hatch.

5. Click Hatch.

6. Wait for the Egg to be hatched.

7. Your Monsta is hatched, click Monsta Details for your Monsta Details.

8. Check out your Monsta details. You can now click on the profile page to view your hatched Monstas.



Monsta Infinite

Monsta Infinite is a decentralized game universe where anyone can earn tokens through playing the game competitively or for leisure.